Documentation / Smart Contracts / Issuing Native Tokens

Issuing Native Tokens

Using the x/denom to issue native tokens managed by your smart contract.

The Token Factory module, x/denom, allows smart contracts to create their own native denominations. This provides developers with the ability to create custom tokens for their applications, which can be used for various purposes such as governance, utility tokens, or rewards.


In Kujira, a denomination is a string identifier for a token. When creating a new denomination with the Create denom message, the subdenom parameter is combined with the calling contract’s address to create a unique denomination. The format for the resulting denomination is factory/{address}/{subdenom}.

Interfaces Exposed to Smart Contracts

The Token Factory module exposes the following interfaces for use by smart contracts:


This message allows the contract to create a new denomination:

DenomMsg::Create {
    subdenom: Denom,


This message allows the contract to change the admin of a denomination:

DenomMsg::ChangeAdmin {
    denom: Denom,
    address: Addr,


This message allows the contract to mint new tokens of a specific denomination:

DenomMsg::Mint {
    denom: Denom,
    amount: Uint128,
    recipient: Addr,


This message allows the contract to burn tokens of a specific denomination:

DenomMsg::Burn {
    denom: Denom,
    amount: Uint128,

Example: Creating a Denomination

Here’s an example of creating a new denomination from a smart contract:

let response = Response::new()
    .add_message(DenomMsg::Create {
        subdenom: "mytoken".into(),

In this example, a new denomination will be created with the subdenom “mytoken”. The resulting denomination will be factory/{address}/mytoken.

Example: Minting and Burning Tokens

Here’s an example of minting new tokens of a specific denomination:

let response = Response::new()
    .add_message(CosmosMsg::Custom(KujiraMsg::Denom(DenomMsg::Mint {
        denom: my_denom.clone().into(),
        recipient: recipient_address.clone(),

And here’s an example of burning tokens of a specific denomination:

let response = Response::new()
    .add_message(CosmosMsg::Custom(KujiraMsg::Denom(DenomMsg::Burn {
        denom: my_denom.clone().into(),

Denomination Creation Fee

There is a fee associated with creating a new denomination. On mainnet, the fee is 10 KUJI, and on testnet, it is 100 KUJI. Your contract must have sufficient funds to pay the fee in order to create a new denomination.